Unlike most people, I actually like Mondays. It’s a fresh new week, and you know that the week has the possibility of being good. I passed my med terms, so this has already been a good day, and now I’m watching the guinea pigs play…lil cuties.
Today I find out for sure if Rich is staying on posting or coming home, and I’m nervous, but too tired to feel sick. If he isn’t coming home, I’ll at least get to see him at Easter, along with my mom. I think it’ll be nice, and I kind of wish we could still do the easter thing, minus Rich coming home, but I”ll take what I can get
Wrote a letter to my grandparents today. I love them a lot, and they’re always in the back of my head, but I know that they’d be disappointed if they knew I was bisexual. I’m not going to go there, because I’d feel bad for stressing them out if I told them, and I really don’t need the approval of anyone, so why ask? They’re awesome, and I don’t need anything more than that.
I’m still debating how to go about telling my mom about the bisexuality. She knows that I’ve played with other chicks, but doesn’t know that I identify as a bisexual, and she doesn’t realize just how much attraction I have for girls. I think it would honestly scare her, and aggravate her bipolarity, so I think I”ll leave it for now. I think I’ll give her a call today, just to talk.
March is almost over, which means barbecue/short-short season will be starting!………..once we get rid of the blanket of snow that showed up this morning. I’m going to ignore the snow, however, and pretend that it’s sunny and wonderful outside. I’d kill for rain though. I think I’ll try and make it a beach summer this year….yes….beach summer. I sincerely hope all the hot college/uni chicks stay here, otherwise it’ll be a white trash holiday cleanup. Sigh
you guys have no idea how much i want these pictures to be true:
i also wish i were drew barrymore, if this is true. come out come out wherever you guys are!
if it’s not true, then i’m glad there’s some high-profile homo-eroticism going on. and go see whip it if you haven’t! it’s one of the best movies of 2009! and definitely the funnest! that’s a lot of exclamation points for me.
College of the Sequoias professor and Meet in the Middle organizer Robin McGehee was arrested today in front of the White House, for participating in a “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” protest rally. She was later released after paying a $35 fine. Also arrested were Lt. Dan Choi and Capt Jim Pietrangelo, after they handcuffed themselves to the fence in front of the Executive Mansion.
More pictures of Robin’s arrest and of Lt. Choi and Capt. Pietrangelo handcuffed to the White House’s fence after the jump. Read more at America Blog.
Pictures from MeetintheMiddle for Equality, Huffington Post and America Blog.
You know that “fact” that men supposedly think about sex once every-three-seconds; and you know how you think, that surely, cannot be possible! To have sex, women, and sex on the mind that often, surely cannot be healthy, or even natural…
Well, I think I’m suffering from it.
See, I get these bouts of what I call “Gay Days”. These are, in effect, days where I feel very, very gay. All I want to do is think, oogle, be around, watch, hear, women. I long to have another woman next to me, I long to have someone to hug, to touch, to be touched by; someone who is here. Normally, these days coincide with some-degree of sexual frustration, which for the past few months, has been a constant state for me.
This in effect means that I am going through a continuous “Gay Day”. These days are fine on a Saturday or Sunday; I can spend as much time as I want oogling over beautiful women on Tumblr or Flickr; I can watch as many films with my favourite actresses in as I want; I can even spend entire days in bed watching a whole season of The L Word. This time is free time, it’s my time, it’s time where I can literally do whatever I want.
During the week however, I’m still required to function. I’ve got my A Levels ahead of me, and yet all I can think of is the really nice arse of one of the teachers at my sixth-form.
Trying to write essays, or complete homework, in fact, any sort of required, or at least, much needed work, with the constant images of bums, boobs, and sexy eyes in my mind is completely and utterly hopeless. Worse, is that I spend some lessons just staring, looking at the perfect woman standing or sitting in front of me, and dreaming of all the possibilities. When the bell rings, suddenly I realise I’ve spent a whole hour learning absolutely nothing.
Being a good student, daughter, friend and well, human, in these situations is mind-numbingly difficult. To continuously have to counter-act any urge to shout at the top of my voice “Please, someone have sex with me” whilst walking around the corridors, or having to go through an essay with a particularly fanciable, sexy, beautiful, fabulous teacher that I am hopelessly in love with, whilst being about to see the top of her bra, and keeping a straight face, and answering and nodding appropriately, certainly is no easy task.
Next weekend I intend to ratify this excruciating problem. Now that more of my friends are of age, we can now embark upon more nights out; which almost certainly means in my group of gay friends, that we’re going to hit the gay clubs.
Even better is that a certain girl of interest is having a gathering at a pub at some time in the near future. Although I don’t properly know her, one or two of my friends do, which does mean the slight possibility of us attending. I’ve said before, I do live in hope, and I seriously hope that this might happen. Even not just for her, but because it surely must be better than yet another night in with a crap film.
In the mean-time however, I’m going to have to try my best. I’m going to have to find a way or something, to try to curb my thoughts; maybe I can try to just keep them unconscious through some weird self-hypnotic process… Or stab myself with a pin every time I inappropriately think about someone at a bad time. Conditioning worked for Pavlov’s dogs, surely it can work for me?
How on earth do men ever get anything accomplished with sex constantly on their mind? It’s truly a marvel!
Last week the ACLU sued a high school in Mississippi.
You see, it’s prom season, and a girl at Itawamba Agricultural High School announced she was going to go to the prom with her lesbian girlfriend wearing a tuxedo. The school let her know that the prom was for guy-girl couples and so, naturally, the girl and the ACLU filed a lawsuit against the school.
Naturally. That’s the next logical step to take in the process. Why bother talking to the school board or setting up a conference? There’s money (and headlines) to be made here.
So the school said, “OK, fine, this is more trouble than it’s worth. Prom is canceled, maybe a private organization will hold the prom instead. This is getting crazy.”
So now the ACLU is suing the school again, trying to force them to have the prom.
You’re having a prom? I’LL SUE YOU.
You canceled the prom? I’LL SUE YOU.
I can just see the ACLU in their Fortress of Spinning Wheels, shaking their gentle fist, “You won’t escape us! Bwwaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha! Have the prom, cancel the prom, we don’t care, we’re suing someone.“
I’m looking forward to next week, when the ACLU sues Mattel for not producing a Kendra doll, a female version of Ken, which, as we all know, stifles a girl’s opportunity to explore all of her options.
The week after that, the ACLU will sue McDonald’s for only serving Coke and discriminating against Pepsi. McDonald’s will then serve Pepsi and will in turn be sued by the ACLU once again. The ACLU will claim they are only “trying to reach their pointless lawsuit quota for March.”
The ACLU will then get its own half-hour sitcom on the WB, called “Them Wacky Bungholes.” They will also get a 1-hour reality series on FOX (airing after American Idol) in which two contestants are introduced to one another. The first person to sue the other person is hired by the ACLU. The following week, they will be fired.
They will then be sued by the ACLU.
Meanwhile, millions of ignored starving people die, child trafficking continues, and Lady Gaga continues to fool people into thinking she’s actually a female. But at least the ACLU got to sue a school because of their prom.
I never thought this day would come.
My family seemed so… accepting.
They acted as if everything was normal.
But no, apparently someone who is GENETICALLY programmed to love me no matter what actually judges me behind my back.
I can’t get any relief.
I finally went on 60 day at the theatre.
Strictly sears now.
I wonder if they’ve called yet…
Most people, women at least, between the ages of 15 and 40 have at some point seen the show, Sex in the City, or the movie. As much as they are entertaining, they do include several truths. But then at end of the day there is nowhere in Scotland that is like Manhattan.
I live in a small town when i’m at University, for some people romance here is very much alive, but for others it seems that everything here happens in its own little bubble. When you meet somebody new here, it tends to be a drunken chat at a messy house party where you drunkenly pull and hope you find that the next day they add you on facebook through a friend of a friend of a friend. If not, then you put it down do a drunken mess that you hope you will never see.
Well in my town the chances of running into somebody you drunkenly hooked up with once is like a 1 in 7 chance, at least once a week! Problem is, this isn’t a shock to anybody and so the solution to the problem, you blank them.
Im a regular 19 year old, had my own fair share of boyfriends, hook ups and lesbian experiences. But it never ceases to amaze me the way people handle sex and love now adays.
I’ve been successfully avoiding Lady Gaga for years now and it’s worked out pretty great. I tend not to pay attention to pop stars until they reach their trainwreck stage. However, tonight, a shocking twist in the Gaga epic took place when my facebook newsfeed informed me that several formerly proclaimed die-hard fans were recounting their fandom on account of her leaked video featuring Beyonce. So, I decided to take a peak at what the fuck exactly is this “pop-culture art” trend I’ve been hearing so many people condescendingly circle jerk about all this time.
The comparison of Gaga to Britney and Madonna has seemed obvious to me. What I don’t understand is how people can mistake Gaga for a great thinker in terms of artist. Sure, she’s a legitimate artist–the same way Billy Ray Cyrus is a legitimate artist. Her music and image is a cultural commodity–she was signed to a sub-label of Universal not three years ago, and was launched into fame by Akon. Next thing you know, she’s playing a major stage Lollapalooza, and the rest is history. And, while I recognize some fans might not consider Gaga’s latest video to be her best, but I really don’t see how her music videos are much different from any of the other mainstream pop videos whose popularity essentially hinges on selling its female star as a sex object. Gaga definitely isn’t making art for art’s sake, and to perpetuate her impression that she is is sheer stupidity. Gaga is acting on the behalf of the major record labels that make money for her, and the “spectacle” is feeding a million-dollar industry.
I first heard about Gaga in my intro to gender studies class when my teacher read us an interview in which Gaga disowned feminism while simultaneously claiming to be fighting against sexist double-standards within the music industry:
G: You see, if I was a guy, and I was sitting her with a cigarette in my hand, grabbing my crotch and talking about how I make music ’cause I love fast cars and fucking girls, you’d call me a rock star. But when I do it in my music and in my videos, because I’m a female, because I make pop music, you’re judgmental, and you say that it is distracting. I’m just a rock star.
I: Are you also a feminist?
G: I’m not a feminist – I, I hail men, I love men. I celebrate American male culture, and beer, and bars and muscle cars…
Apparently Gaga likes to buy into the stereotype that feminism=manhatingism, and although she claims to be at least as ballsy as a shallow, groin-scratching male, she’s not man enough to stop spreading ignorance of the political opinions she claims to believe in. Throughout her career, Gaga has gone back and forth on where she stands with the ‘f’ word. What’s puzzled me this whole time is how Gaga, in addition to being the latest thin, blonde, half-naked super star, has come to be seen as a leader within the LGBTQ. In this same interview two years ago, she speaks revealingly as to her appeal to the gay community:
G: I’ve got three #1 records and I’ve sold almost 4 million albums world wide.
I: So what’s the biggest [thrill] of your career so far?
G: The gay community.
I: Why?
G: ‘Cause I love em so much. ‘Cause they don’t ask me questions like that. ‘Cause they love sexual strong women who speak their mind.
Gaga recognizes that her most loyal fans are members of the gay community, and in this strange political climate, apparently that means she has a right to claim she’s a leading voice within that political sector–even though the LGBTQ and feminists have worked together for decades.
You know who else the gay community loves? Britney Spears and Madonna. Britney Spears and Madonna even made out one time, you know, just for their gay fans, right? It seems to me Lady Gaga–who is an open bisexual–is no more a gay rights activist than either of the former Queens of Pop. Further, if she’s so gung-ho about supporting the gay community, why is she so apprehensive about being an open feminist? I guess I just don’t see how Lady Gaga has really changed anything in the mainstream music industry.
What is with closeted politicians being the dumbest kind of person? Last week it was Roy Ashburn, Republican State Senator from Bakersfield this week it’s Eric Massa, former Democratic congressman from New York. Who originally stated he was retiring due to health reasons but now it turns it was because of well.. I’ll let him tell it in his own words.
(warning watching Glenn Beck may be dangerous to your sanity)
more about “Former Rep. Eric Massa Tells Glenn Be…“, posted with vodpod
I generally think that coming out is a bad idea. Anytime you have to articulate your identity you are giving credence to the ideology of heteronormative behavior. When was the last time someone came out to you as straight?
Coming out presupposes a world of coerced conformity. A world where nuclear, heterosexual, two person, monogamous relationships are the prescribed norm. Coming out states that you acknowledge this and are stating your identity as something other than this. Making an apology. Telling people that you understand that everyone is presumed straight, until they say otherwise. This fosters an ideology of reinforced heteronormative behavior patterns. Expecting that people will love you, even though your queer, puts the burden of tolerance, and the power to represent the default identity, on straight people.
I never really thought much about coming out. I grew up in San Francisco. Everyone was queer, queer friendly, out and proud. There were more gay flags flying in my childhood than bigots screaming slurs, a lot more. I’m thinking about this a lot this week as last week I was chased out of a party being called gay. How is it possible that “gay” is an insult? I’m living in a very scary world where heterosexuality is presupposed, expected, and thought to be desirable. I’m living in a world where people use heterosexism as a weapon.
I have issues with coming out, with having to come out and with the problems that you cannot undo once you come out. I’m all about being yourself and not having to explain it to anyone. I’m gonna come out though. Not that you don’t know I’m queer. I’m sure I have said it before. I talk about my girlfriend and about how I prefer to be in non-traditional relationships with people of non-conforming gender identities.
I’m gonna come out as a parent. I have offspring. I almost never mention it to people who don’t need to know. I want to protect my children from the bizarre world of professional perversion I live in and love. I want to keep my worlds separate. I want to have a modicum of privacy. I want to have my cake and eat it too. If I never told you I have children don’t take it personally, you have to be very close to me to have been brought into my world. I don’t trust most people with this part of my life.
I’m in a position where I feel I must come out though. Being silent about my children on my blog and in my art is no longer advantageous. The man who knocked me up when I was a teenager is not giving me any choice. I must come out if I am going to write about the full spectrum of a major problem I am dealing with. If I am going to not censor my writing, I have to come out.
Alright, so now you know I’m a mother. You might be asking how this is relevant. I’m getting to it.
The father of my children, after our brief high school fling, became an evangelical Christian. Once he was into kinky sex and drugs. Now he is married in the suburbs slandering my queer intellectual identity. His wife is a stay at home bleached blond who has nothing but time on her hands. She is reading this blog.
The two of them have a real problem with the way I live my life. They want to throw stones and suggest that I’m not allowed to have more fun than they are. It has been a long time since I have been able to deal with the father of my children in a way that is indicative of adult communication. I’m tired of being called the antichrist. I’m tired of the threats and the hostility. I’m tired of them trying to keep my children from me because I’m a queer, kinky, sex working academic.
The shit has to stop now. I can’t really process things without writing about them. When the wife started posting hate mail to this blog I realized that I could not tell you what I was doing without these crazy Christians knowing too.
I sat stewing for a while. I was going to post my upcoming travel but I didn’t want to tell them what I was up to. I thought I would be covert about it, telling you that I’m having problems with the right wing and that I can only tell you vague details of my trip. I’m sick of trying to dance around their bullshit so I figured it might be easier to out myself as a mother than it would be to deal with them holding this over me, trying to harm my family, playing games. I’m sick of it.
I’m coming to New England to attend a conference, visit some family, and play. I’m bringing my teenage son who wants to look at colleges in the area. I’ll have a little bit of free time to play. Hopefully you want to play. I’m really in the mood to have some fun, get off this crazy coast, away from the Christians, out of the vapid self-loathing monotony of southern California.
I’ll have time to play March 13th – 16th in Western Mass. I might be heading to Cape Cod on the 13th and I will be in NYC for a day but I’m not sure which day. I’ll be in Cambridge with very limited availability March 19th – 21st.
I hope I get to beat you, piss on you, and write a dirty story to anger the crazy Christians. Help me have some fun, pay my increased tuition, and get out of the funk that is becoming the essence of my life. Come on, let’s live a little!
or you do know me but we haven’t talked in a while (since, like, high school; hi, facebook). or you know me and we talk all the time but you just want to hear me drop the jersey smacktalk and sound smart for once (heh), check out the interview i did for CBC/Radio-Canada (like NPR but only in canada) on “senior sexting” (yes, that means your grandparents (and parents!) are sexting now and no i’m not kidding and yes i actually wrote about it).
the interview was for their weekly tech/culture show, “Spark.” click here to listen. i’m on at about the 18 minute mark (sorry, no fast fwd, i know i know). also available for free download on itunes (just search “spark from cbc radio”; it’s episode 105, march 7-9–this week’s episode ).
That is the question that needs to be asked and answered before any serious debate can take place on this issue. Without answering this question, lifting the gay ban in the military will be opening the door to major unrest and frivolous complaints from gay and lesbian activists who may serve in the military.
The reason I say “frivolous” is because I saw quite a few complaints from feminists in the military that turned out to be bogus “gotchas.” The really sad part about this is that the truth didn’t come out until several careers had already been ruined.
Remember “Tailhook 91″ and the bogus charges that Paula Coughlin made in 1991? How many careers were ruined before the truth about what really happened and how Coughlin was a willing participant came out? How much damage was done before someone realized that Coughlin admitted to her fellow Tailhookers that they had made her “see God?” How long did it take before the public was made aware of the fact that Coughlin had fingered people who weren’t even at Tailhook?
Therein lies the problem. What happens if some gay or lesbian goes into the military and has a radical political agenda? How long before some false charge of “homophobia” is made and a fabricated scandal ensues which destroys one or more careers? What are the safeguards against this?
TAILHOOK 91 is a prime example of how one person making false accusations can have a major negative impact on the military and its combat effectiveness.
Lt. Col. Oliver North notes the following:
But the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgendered community, which worked so hard to elect Mr. Obama, wasn’t feeling the love. The President wouldn’t let them out of the closet, they argued, and their patience was wearing thin. POTUS had to give them reason to stay in the fold.
The payoff came in his State of the Union Address, when Mr. Obama went off on another frolic and diversion in declaring, “This year, I will work with Congress and our military to finally repeal the law that denies gay Americans the right to serve the country they love because of who they are.”
No, it is because of how they act and how they are trying to force their agenda on America whether it be through secret classes (i.e. telling children not to inform their parents) to school children or by pulling a Coughlin on the U.S. Military.
Army Chief of Staff, General George Casey informed the Senate Armed Services Committee he has “serious concerns” about repealing the law in the midst of war. “We just don’t know the impacts on readiness and military effectiveness,” Casey testified.
A somewhat softer note was sounded by Air Force Chief of Staff, General Norton A. Schwartz, who said, “This is not the time to perturb the force that is, at the moment, stretched by demands in Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere without careful deliberation.”
Admiral Gary Roughead, Chief of Naval Operations, testified that he endorsed a “study” of the issue because “only with that information can we discuss the force that we have, not someone else’s.” He also resisted a “freeze” on discharges for homosexual behavior, citing duty to “the families that support the force.”
The straightest shooting of all was done by General James Conway, the Commandant of the Marine Corps. In testimony to the House Armed Services Committee on February 24, he said, “Unless we can strip away the emotion, the agenda, and the politics…and ask…do we somehow enhance the war fighting capabilities of the United States Marine Corps by allowing homosexuals to openly serve, then we haven’t addressed it from the correct perspective.” Then he reloaded.
After observing that proponents of repeal have failed to produce any evidence that openly homosexual individuals serving in uniform will improve combat readiness, Conway unequivocally stated: “At this point…my best military advice to this committee, to the Secretary, and to the President would be to keep the law such as it is.”
Just going forward on someone’s political whim is not the way to do it. It is true that gays are allowed to serve in militaries like Great Britain and Isreal, but it is also true that in both cases, gays are counseled to keep it low profile.
Are U.S. gays and lesbians willing to do the same thing? Given the militancy of the gay and lesbian political movement, my first inclination is to answer “no.” Anyone who has been forced to take a required “diversity” class from an employer knows why.
You can access the complete article on-line here:
Not So Fast
Lt. Col. Oliver North
Human Events
March 5, 2010
This is something my partner and I ask each other on a daily basis. We’re pretty quiet people for the most part, and once in awhile, we’re able to share moments where we simply stare at each other and feel comfortable enough to sit silently. After an extended period of time, after one of us realizes that we haven’t spoken in some time, we ask one another, ” what are you thinking?” It happened this morning when we woke up. Every morning, we slowly rouse to the sound of seven snoozes. After the fourth or fifth round of beeping, we’re both fairly awake and snuggling into each other, delaying our inevitable departure from our night’s sleep and our lover’s arms. Today, horrible thoughts came into my mind as we lay close, my head on her shoulder, her arm abound by back.
About two months ago, we went out to dinner in our town, about a mile down the road from our apartment. It was a frigid New England night, it had snowed the previous week and we were in a deep freeze, complete with below zero wind chill. I decided to pull my leather jacket out of the furthest reaches of our closet in an attempt to cut down on wind to bone penetration. On our way out of dinner, we hurriedly walked up the block to our car. Normally, we would be hand in hand, walking leisurely and talking softly. Tonight, Allison carried the doggy bag and my hands were in my pockets for frostbite prevention. Then, there was a moment. A tall, older man walked by us, on Allison’s side. She was telling me a story from her day at work, and between intently listening to her and blocking out other sounds, I heard these words spewed out of the man’s mouth- “Nice girls… dress like… nice boys.” He had just passed me when I realized he was making a comment towards us. I stopped in my tracks, turned my head, and said “what the fuck?” The man continued to get into a parked car, a black Mercedes Benz nonetheless, and I thought it was over. In an attempt to try and calm me down, Allison pulled my hand out of my pocket and asked me what he said. The black benz then pulled up beside us, horn ablaze, and the man waving at us until I lunged forward and he peeled off.
I was thinking about what I should have done that night to teach this guy a lesson. All of my thought out scenarios end in violence, which is frightening. I am a staunch pacifist. I don’t believe in fists, or keying cars, or kneeing balls, or breaking teeth. But these are the things I wish I did to this tiny, insignificant prick. That night, I was furious. I felt I was the victim of a gay bashing and I thought I should report it to the police. I came up with any and all similes and metaphors comparing his need for a Mercedes to the size of his penis. And, of course, his inherent jealousy of seeing two women in love with each other instead of in love with his dick. All of this ending with, “I’m sorry your wife won’t fuck ya, buddy, there’s male enhancement drugs that can help ya in that department.”
Even thought this was months ago, I still wonder, “what the fuck were you thinking, guy?” And, what the fuck was I thinking? Why didn’t I react with more aggression? I guess it’s just not something I’ve ever felt I had to plan for. I’ve lived in Massachusetts all my life. I don’t know what it’s like to be beaten up or constantly threatened for loving my girlfriend. I’m not used to it. I can’t figure out if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I still wish I could find that bastard and do something awful to him, because I’m sure this 90 second moment doesn’t come to his mind with any kind of regularity. But, I suppose it keeps me grounded in the fact that there’s so much more to be done. My experience is nothing in comparison to what other women and men go through in other parts of the country to just protect their love. It’s easy to just sit back and say fuck you to these ignorant assholes. I wish I could do more than that for my community.
Ok Everyone…If you don’t know by now we’re getting married in Las Vegas and the big day is August 25th!!!! We are trying to win our dream wedding at Crate and Barrel and need you help…
Go to the link below and vote for us!!! We don’t even need 100,000 so we would be more than willing to host a huge party when we get back for everyone that votes and supports us!!! So get everyone to vote…we only need about 5000 votes to catch up!!!
CNSNews reports that Family Research Council President Tony Perkins’ speaking invitation at a prayer luncheon at Andrews Air Force Base was canceled by the chaplain’s office after the office became aware of Mr. Perkins’ opposition to Obama’s demand to repeal the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy of the military.
Air Force Retracted Invitation for Conservative Leader to Speak at Prayer Luncheon After He Criticized Obama’s Position on ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
Friday, February 26, 2010
By Pete Winn, Senior Writer/Editor
(CNSNews.com) – The U.S. Air Force admits that the chaplain’s office at Andrews Air Force Base retracted an invitation to Family Research Council President Tony Perkins–a former Marine officer–to speak at a prayer luncheon held at the base on Thursday after the conservative leader criticized President Obama’s efforts to end “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”–the military policy on homosexuality.
“The Chaplain’s Office retracted Mr. Perkins’ invitation after his recent public comments made many who planned to attend the event uncomfortable,” the Andrews base public affairs office said in a statement issued late Thursday.
“This was a local decision made by the Chaplain’s Office who wanted the luncheon to be inclusive for the entire base community,” the statement said. “The Chaplain’s Office respects and defends Mr. Perkins right to express his opinions, and regrets any inconvenience to him. We thank and respect him for his prior military service.”
Perkins told CNSNews.com he was invited last October by the Chaplain’s Office to speak at the prayer luncheon, which focused this year on deployed personnel, families and prayer.
“The theme was back to basics – that is exactly what I was going to talk about, the basics – as Christ talks about the two greatest commandments, to love God and to love your neighbor,” he told CNSNews.com.
But Perkins said the comments that got him in trouble were published on the FRC Web site on Jan. 27, after President Obama delivered his State of the Union address.
Obama called on Congress to lift all restrictions on service in the military by open homosexuals, and Perkins admitted he had been very vocal in opposing Obama’s policy. Perkins said he took to the FRC Web site to oppose Obama’s policy proposal, and urged Congress to retain the current law which excludes homosexuals from openly serving in the military.
“Two days after the president’s State of the Union address, I received a letter from the chaplain rescinding the invitation, based upon statements that were on our Web site that were deemed to be ‘incompatible with men and women who serve in the military at the direction of the commander-in-chief,’” Perkins said.
A letter, dated Jan. 29, was sent from the chaplain’s office at Andrews AFB.
“Dear Mr. Perkins: I wish to thank you for accepting our initial invitation to speak at our national prayer luncheon on Feb. 25,” it stated. “(H)owever, we must rescind the invitation due to statements posted on the Family Research Council Web site which are incompatible in our role as military members who serve our elected officials and our commander-in-chief.
“As a former Marine officer, I’m sure you understand the situation in which we find ourselves. As military members, we are sworn to support our commander-in-chief, and are forbidden to make or support statements which run counter to our roles in the armed forces.”
Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, told CNSNews.com he is “terribly disappointed” with the decision to rescind the invitation to the conservative leader–a move he condemned as “tragic” and “political correctness.”
“It is absolutely political correctness, if in the name of inclusiveness we throw out someone who is a Christian or has a view that might be a little bit different than Mr. Obama’s, then we’ve dishonored the very service that fights to uphold and defend the Constitution,” Franks said from the U.S. Capitol.
“It’s especially heartbreaking to me, knowing that the rank-and-file of the United States military is far more in line with the views of Tony Perkins than they will ever be of the views of President Barack Obama,” Franks told CNSNews.com.
Perkins, a conservative leader who is also a minister and former military officer, said he had no intention of being political, had he been allowed to speak.
“I would have never used this venue as a political venue to even mention the president, unless it was to pray for him,” Perkins told CNSNews.com. “This was to focus on the spiritual needs of the men and women in uniform.”
Congressman Franks, meanwhile, indicated he plans to further raise the issue in Congress and took aim at the Air Force’s notion of being “inclusive.”
“We can be ‘inclusive’–we could bring Al Qaeda in there and that’s ‘inclusive–but to suggest somehow that someone like Tony Perkins shouldn’t be welcome on a military base because he has some views that are antithetical to some of Barack Obama’s views, is just outrageous,” Franks said.
Perkins, meanwhile, said he’s unrepentant in opposing Obama’s pro-homosexual agenda.
“What he (the president) was essentially calling the military to do was to violate the law, without a change by Congress,” Perkins told CNSNews.com. “That change of policy would in fact affect national security and in fact affect the lives of men and women who serve in uniform. As a veteran of the Marine Corps, I know exactly the environment and what this could do to the men and women who serve. So it is very troubling.”
Dr. William Donahue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights in New York City condemned the action – and called for an investigation.
“The decision to silence Tony Perkins, an ordained minister and Marine veteran, represents political correctness at a dangerous level,” Donahue said. “There are legitimate reasons to accept and reject the current policy regarding gays in the military. No one, therefore, should be censored from speaking at any private or public forum — much less a military instillation — because of his or her views on this subject.”
Perkins, meanwhile, said the real issue isn’t that he was disinvited to an event – it’s about political correctness in the military on homosexuality.
“This is not about the chaplain, it’s not even about Andrews Air Force Base, it’s about the chilling effect that this policy would have upon Christians who operate from an understanding of what’s right and wrong according to Scripture,” Perkins told CNSNews.com.
Donahue agreed: “While the most immediate issue is the blacklisting of Perkins, the larger issue is the ‘chilling effect’ this decision will have on the free speech and religious liberty rights of all those who serve in the military, especially clergymen.”
CNSNews.com has formally requested an interview with a representative from the chaplain’s office.
For today I have set a priority on being in harmony with the world around me. There has been far too much weirdness in my life of late and that has caused me to respond in ways that only serve go distance e myself from the bodditsatva path, which in my religion is the path of compassion and balance.
I have fallen astray because recent events have tossed me into a storm of brutality and violation.
But it is not these events that have pushed me off the path it is my responses to them. For today I will be one with the rhythm, the Flow. I will fail at moments to be sure. But it is not about the number of times we fall it is the number of times we get back up and resume our path.
I never falk about my religious convictions. But for today I will be mindful of the decisions I am making toward perfect mindfulness. We will see how it goes. Namaste.
Think America needs to get even fatter? Good, so does Denny’s! From now until the end of March the ubiquitous 24 hour, always open food chain, that turned itself into the largest soup kitchen in the world after it’s “Free Grand Slam” Super Bowl ad, is offering free refills on pancakes (both buttermilk and wheat) and french fries.
Says the company spokesman:
“Clearly times are still hard and everyday we’re all looking for ways to stretch hard-earned dollars farther and farther,” said John Dillon, Vice President Marketing, Denny’s Corporation. “By offering unlimited refills on not just one but two favorite items, we are able to provide even more everyday value on items our guests love. Who doesn’t want seconds of pancakes and fries… especially when they’re free?”
Yes, who doesn’t want seconds or thirds or fourths.
Also who wants to get started on the class-action lawsuit for when we all die of cholesterol poisoning?
I wanted to reply to your comments about the Gay Community not being in support of the Gay Pride celebration, and those leading the effort are not from the CSRA. Isaac Kelly is the president of Augusta Pride and he has been in Augusta his whole life and so have most (if not all) member of the Augusta Pride Board. Isaac just wants his home town to be a more open and accepting community for the gay community. Isaac has said himself that he did not want to it be a political thing, but has made the motto “Community for all”
I am conservative and Christian. I happen to be gay as well. I am looking forward to Gay the Pride and hope to show Augusta that most of gay community in the CSRA are conservative and Christian here as well. No, not all gay people are, but we are definitely not what we are accused of being in the rhetoric in the Augusta Chronicle. To call me and my friends pedofiles and hedons? What is the basis for this? Do these people even know me? Me and my partner both work in healthcare and our whole lives are devoted to helping people stay healthy and happy. We are both Christians, but we are constantly faced with this bias and hateful words in this community. So many of our gay friends who were born here are afraid. I have friends who have been in monogomous, loving relationships for 5+ years, but are afraid to tell their own families or let others know out of fear of what might be said or done to them. In Georgia (and I am pretty sure South Carolina too) you can be fired just for being gay.
I give devote my life everyday to helping others out and being who I believe Christ wants me to be. I believe God has put my partner in my life, and together we are better adept to live out our callings in life. I know this is an uphill battle in Augusta, for people to see us for who we are. We are God’s children too and all I want is to be able to proudly talk about my partner at work or in social conversation. But so many in Augusta want me to feel ashamed, or further, seek to damn me because I am in a relationship with a man. That is wrong and just not a Christian way of acting.
The Augusta Gay Pride event is for all of the CSRA, gay and straight. I know this year will be tough because all anyone has to go by is their pre-conceived notions. But hopefully this is something that can be a source of pride for the whole CSRA community, just like the Greek festival or any other celebration.
Answer to the above mentioned question is, Dyke, Faggots, Queers and any other derogatory name you wish to call us. We can die for our country, pay taxes, own property, visit all the straight owned establishments (for the love of our expendable income) but legally we are not allowed to wed and share our lives completly…Timing, “Tica, Tica Timing”, as the song goes; it will be judged soon. Serving openly in the Armed Services and being able to marry, I will see it in my lifetime. All those opposed, I think you should go dance with some snakes and marry your first cousin.
Swelling excited, like getting into a fight you know you can win, was pounding me for a whole week. And bloody hell was it brimming with endurance. I was leaving my tiny decayed, city-of-school to my home, city-of-play to see her. Sure I hadn’t finished my homework, but clearly I was just too nervous. Soz.
Outfits were not planned out, better not to, no expectations, no hurt. You don’t feel like you’re letting yourself be Frank Cotton torn. Vague plans to meet – arranged. Respective friend’s parties to take each other to as dates – check. New haircut – painful, but done (at least it didn’t bleed profusely this time).
DAY 1:
Get off train, rush to meet her and co. at bar. Get lost en route. Fine and dandy, locate bar -give my phone three squeezes- it acts like it knows already. Self assured prick. I walk in. I’ve misplaced the air from my mouth, my fully automatic heart pounding. I really didn’t need that second cigarette.
She says “Hi!” before I see her. I turn and look. “Crap” I think. “She’s even better than I remember.” At this point all witty comments that had been mounting during my four and a half hour train journey regressed back to their little grey cell makers. And I forget how to greet.
Skip to an hour later: In a gallery drinking not/with/her/friends and a bottle of wine later kissing and laughing at the contortionist creeping us out to hip hop. Yes. Hip hop. And I don’t think they’re taught the concept of a beat at freakschool. Even though there was no camel toe my eyes made like Vampire tears. Unattractive.
“This is the girl I’m seeing”
Quick scene change, at friend’s party (mine actually good) all I know, this fantasy is real. It’s being fulfilled. She mounts me. The kiss feels like an urgent static TV glow all over my body. I can’t let it stop. Ever. She. It. Feels just too good and too perfect. And only on reflection do I realise I can’t even compare this to Not-a-vigin-anymore and relish that goodbye.
But then she leaves.
And I want her even more.
DAY 2:
No official plans, but a win for me. I have ‘left’ my paraphernalia with her. Ooops [Props]. Her, I, an Owl, a Pussycat, and a rolled-up tenner. I can’t stop smoking, Probably because I am so nervous? I like to think I’m shaking with infatuation and the pain in my nose. We talk about families, and Henry and June. She is so smart and so unreadable. I don’t even know the best way to impress her. What she’ll laugh at. What will make her turn and rush into my arms. What will excite her. But Boy-0h-Boy am I trying.
She actually stays to watch Marty, where there are no good Tomatoes and only the terrible ‘peck’ exists.
We say Bye at the door. My heart is spat on again.
DAY 3 (not consecutive):
Sunday is skipped. Why? “Oh it’s Valentines day. I don’t know what it’ll be like when I’m dating someone, always having to spend it with “Ex-bf-now-turned-bff”. ” Great.
We meet for lunch. She is almost two hours late, but she has my things. Bagels followed by Booze. Eve tells Alfie that Eve is still in love with E-b-n-t-b and has been sleeping with them the whole time.
“I don’t want casual sex, and I’m really enjoying finally being single”. Single? Really? Then we have a three pint fuelled toilet catch up. Then I’m at the table alone.
Maybe I’m not a GoodGirl. They don’t cut themselves do they?
Watch out, sexual deviants, your humble village crier is back – though I make no promises that I will be better than ever, I’ll probably just be the same old me. After a prolonged hiatus, three straight days of browsing the entire xkcd archives, and a whole lot of debauchery, I think it’s time I stepped back up on the old soap box, and I start yelling into the open space otherwise known as the Internet.
You already know what to expect from me – tardiness, sarcasm, and a whole lot of gay, and I hope that’s enough to keep you coming back. I’m hoping this return will end up something like this: you run into a fling at a bar, someone who you had really, really good sex with (you’re the fling in this scenario, though I don’t think we’ve all slept together… yet), and it either goes terribly awry and you can’t figure out what to say (not the outcome I’m looking for) or you hit it off and continue to hook up as often as you please, forgetting why you left one another in the first place.
Hey, where would I be if my first post didn’t include a hypothetic situation involving sex? On the wrong blog, probably.
Anyway, there will be a real post tomorrow… though seeing as it is quickly nearing 2 am, I suppose there will be a new post later today. So snuggle up by your significant, same-sex, other, and sleep tight, there will be something to laugh about tomorrow.
Regular readers of my blog know that I go through seasons on political posts. Sometimes, like in the few months leading up to Election 2008, political posts were quite dominant. At other times, like the days since the election, I haven’t felt real motivated to dive into those topics. In fact, the last politically themed post I wrote was nearly a year ago on March 11 about New Federalism.
But I’m feeling some drive today to address an interesting topic – that of Gays in the Military. (Same-sex? Homosexuals? LBGT’s? Please insert whatever politically correct term is “in” right now). There has been buzz in the last few days about President Obama repealing the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy – which was instituted in 1993 by Congress, with support from President Clinton. There seems to be quite a bit of energy surrounding the topic – from both sides of the political aisle. Just yesterday, former Vice-President and Defense Secretary Dick Cheney openly supported the repeal (see the Politico article). We can only assume that his position might have something to do with the fact that his own daughter is lesbian.
I’m going to say something that may shock you if you thought you knew my political and spiritual background:
I support the complete repeal of the policy and think gays should be able to serve openly in our military.
I can imagine the shocked hand-wringing from my friends on the right and the standing ovation from my friends on the left right now, but you should understand my reasoning before you get too emotional about my statement. Here is my primary reason for supporting such a policy:
Being a Bible-believing Christian, I am of the opinion that homosexuality is a “sexual sin” that belongs in the same category with adultery, pornography, lust, and pre-marital sex. Understanding that, would we be willing to support the ban of adulterers, porn addicts, the lustful, and anyone who has pre-marital sex from serving in the military? Unless your answer is yes, then the argument should stop right here. Let them serve.
Now let me try to pre-emptively answer some of the counter-arguments that are bound to come.
Q: Does this mean rapists and child-molesters and sexual abusers should also serve? Those are also “sexual sins.”
A: No. Adultery, pornography, lust, and pre-marital sex, while sexual sins, are LEGAL. Rape, molestation, and abuse are CRIMINAL. We should not allow sexual criminals to serve – regardless of their sexual orientation.
Q: Does this mean you also support Same-Sex Marriage?
A: No. In my opinion, marriage is a spiritual matter, not a civil one. God instituted the concept of marriage and His definition is a man and a woman.
Q: Would you support a gay Pastor or Priest?
A: No. Would you support an unrepentant adulterer, or someone who refuses to refrain from pre-marital sex as a Pastor?
Q: How should Christians treat homosexuals?
A: “But God demonstrates his love for us in this that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
A: “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” John 8:7
A: Jesus ate with and hung out with sinners. Mark 2:16
In short, we are to Lead with Love. Lead as in to lead-off, to go first, to lead the way, to initiate, be proactive, the very first thing you should do is -LOVE THEM. Be a friend. Fellowship with them. Go out to lunch with them. Ask them to share their story with you, and then you share your story with them. BE JESUS TO THEM. You know – the way we’re supposed to treat EVERYONE.
Hording enough whiskey to be properly sulky/belligerent drunk if the conditions call for it; extra talented at that particular breed of unchecked insane drunk. But I also have enough happy booze to cover those bases too. Basically I have enough liquor and beer to drink 10 people into a coma if it comes to it…and since the temps will be in the low 20s…it may well come to it. Or lots of snuggling. This lesbo is an expert camper and is prepared either way.
It could have something to do with suppressing my sexuality for the first 18/19 years of my life, and only fully realizing it this year… but I think I’m a little in love with everything female. Is that normal? I find a pretty woman in every new room I enter. In one of my writing classes, there are about four girls I fall a little bit in love with every single class session. There’s the gorgeous, sensuous and yet understated Indian woman who sits diagonally behind me. Her voice is a beautiful melody that intrigues me as much as it bewilders me. There’s the exotic looking woman who sits across the room– I can’t quite figure out where she must be from– with gorgeous, gorgeous dark eyes and hair that frames her face exactly the same way. She’s smart, really intellectual, but I can’t get her to smile at me to save my life… And then there’s the smattering of other girls who just wear the right outfit that day, or say the right thing, or have the right twinkle in their eye… And suddenly I’m imagining what life with “her” could be like– this woman I know nothing about, but can imagine anything with.
*Sigh*. I’m never going to have happy relationships, I’m too busy falling a little in love with every girl I see. All well, off to sleep for now, to dream of my love for today.
If being a lesbian weren’t tricky enough, it’s hard not to notice that our friends and lovers look eerily alike. How’s a girl supposed to know who to be jealous of, when her partner’s so-called, friends bare a striking resemblance to all of her exes and even to herself, with the most noteworthy similarity being that they’re all female. Yikes! It’s crazy, I tell you.
To make matters worse, lesbians insist on staying friends with their exes much of the time, after the obligatory post breakup, cool down period. New girlfriends are forced to confront their beloved’s exes with a smile on their face, while imagining the two of them together in a liplock. Yikes again! Is this insanity?
For awhile I thought I’d solved this Rubik’s Cube of a social dilemma by hanging out with gay men. How simple is that? Gay men pose no romantic threat, and they are also stronger and often taller, being capable of reaching things on that top shelf of your pantry. And if that’s not enough reason to embrace our gay brethren, they’re also gifted decorators and can give invaluable advice about how to dress for a special occasion. My only problem with this solution is that it is often temporary, as you wind up missing your own kind. Lesbos need lesbos, it seems. I guess there’s no perfect fix.
So shoot me, but I tend to like a certain kind of woman. The women I befriend look a lot like the women I romance. I know what you’re thinking. I would cry foul, but we both know you’re right. Attraction is attraction, and for this reason I have carried a secret torch for years, for some of the women I call my friends.
Oops, now the Jeannie is out of the bottle, and every one of my friends who reads this blog is worried. Such is the nature of blogs and friendship. Deal already! You can’t be sure you’re the one I’m talking about. Get over yourself.
The good news is I never act on these emotions out of respect for my partner and my committment to monogamy. Cheating is not my bag, but then, neither is hanging out with lesbians I am not attracted to, simply to keep my partner from having an anxiety attack. Those worries go with the territory of being a lesbian, unless you’re either super well-adjusted, or oblivious to such things. Unfortunately, I am neither, so, over the years I have learned to cope with my girlfriends’ crushes on their friends. Funny thing is, they think you don’t know they’re attracted to her, but they always forget how well you know them. We love to fool ourselves, don’t we.
In our defense, isn’t it true that humans bond with people they’re attracted to, with physical compatibility being a component of that chemistry. And since I like women, the lines blur somewhat, as on any given day, if I allow my imagination to run free, I may wind up in bed with a friend, in my dreams. So spank me already, I’m bad. But I bet I’m not alone.
Given my ramblings and the fact I’m sure I’m not the only lesbo who understands this situation, it is no wonder we all fear “the other woman.” In the lesbian world, everywhere we turn, she is standing right there. She’s our neighbor, our best friend, our business associate, our realtor and our nurse. It’s no surprise that any intelligent lesbo would be a little paranoid given those circumstances.
But you knew when you signed up, that being a lesbian was not for sissies. With that said, you have no choice but to deal with it and puff up like a peacock as proud as you can, believing that she’d be crazy to go elsewhere when she has the best already. On some days, I can actually do this for myself. But on other days, when my hair looks bad or my checkbook balance is low, it is much harder to maintain that bravado.
So, never, ever, whine in that defensive voice, that she’s just a friend, when your girlfriend gives you that knowing look. Because she gets it. And the reason she gets it, is so obvious, that she has no right to say a word. Your beloved gets it because she has girlfriends too, and she knows about those daydreams you have, and it scares her. The only thing you can do to reassure her, is to love her so well that she finally starts to trust you with your crushes, because she feels safe and knows you’ll always come home to her.
i woke up with my left eyelid completely swollen (and both itchy), the return of a weird associated hand rash and a migraine headache. oh, also every muscle in my body, including in between my fingers (are there even muscles there?), is sore. b/c of yoga. but i’ll get to that in a minute.
let me start off by saying that eyelid swelling is stressful. this is new to me. growing up, there was always some kid who got a mosquito bite on or near his or her eyelid and it would swell up like a big red balloon and i’d be like, woah, dude. that looks bad. i had to look away. and now here i am with my own swollen eyelid (could be plural soon, i’d better watch it). and while it’s not nearly as severe, it’s supremely upsetting, esp. when you don’t know why it’s happening. both eyelids are itchy. as are my hands. this happened around the time of our neighbor “kicking it.” the dermatologist labeled it “contact dermatitis,” which essentially means you’re allergic to something you’ve touched. i’m like, thanks, doc. that’s really vague and not helpful at all. i’ll be sure not to touch anything ever again. then he gave me three creams, two allergy pill prescriptions and a six-day pack of steroids. i pretty much didn’t take anything and it sort of went away.
so my eyelids and hands were itchy and my head was achin like a toothache (as holly might say). let me tell you something about this weather: for migraine headache sufferers, esp. those of us sensitive to barometric pressure changes, impending big storms, like the storm that’s now touching down on the baltimore and dc metro areas, are murderous. so this is day two for me. my head should be nicknamed Storm Watcher. i should get paid for this.
i stumbled into the bathroom and looked at my left eyelid and gawked. i was like BABE. LOOK. AT MY EYELID. (to holly. naturally. did you expect it to be someone else? hah) and she was like, wow, babe. that’s pretty bad. the itchiness and swelling propelled me to the medicine cabinet, where i promptly found the benadryl, which i have in the house from our wedding planning days since i had a stress-induced eye twitch for, like, a year. [holly's eye doctor told me that antihistamines can help with eye twitches. (never worked for me. not a surprise.)] i decided the itchiness and swelling outweighed the headache so i took two.
then i panicked b/c i was like wait, can i even take a migraine pill w/benadryl? so i called two different pharmacies to check (the journalist in me always fact checks) and they were like, yeah, it’s ok, but you might get really drowsy. so i took the pill and got groggy. then i decided to follow up on a game of phone tag w/my neurologist’s office. see, i’m running low on ibuprofen. i take it sometimes for headaches, 800mg pills, which are the equivalent to four advil. i’ve only had one bottle of 90 ever prescribed to me, in june by another neurologist. it saves a LOT of money to get the bottle of 90 800mg pills. it’s like…360 advil (!) for a $5 co-pay. you just can’t beat that. i figured i ought to get my new dr. to call the prescription in for me. they called yesterday and left me a msg that they needed to ask me a question about it. so that’s why i was calling back. i wanted to get it filled before The Big Storm.
the lady on the phone asked me if this dr. prescribed it for me or the other one. i was like, the other one. then she said the doctor didn’t want to prescribe them for me and did i go to the anesthesiologist he recommend (for these steroid neck shots, ugh. haven’t gotten them yet, prob. will try them tho i’m scared). i was like yes, but i haven’t made up my mind if i want to get the shots yet. and she reiterated that he really didn’t want to call in the prescription for me. then i started to get a little mad.
“look,” i said, feeling shaky. “it’s only ibuprofen. can’t you just call it in for me?”
“no, he’d rather you didn’t take them.”
“i’m laid off,” i explained, feeling increasingly desperate. “it’s cheaper this way. i need them.”
“we’re going to have call you back.”
“i can get my other doctor to call them in for me,” i said, trying to sound helpful. no response.
“we’ll call you back.”
i hung up with the realization that this is what a prescription drug addict must feel like. i know it’s only ibruprofen. but still. i didn’t like it.
anyway, they haven’t called back yet. it’s after 5pm. they’re obviously not calling. totally lame.
as for the “contact dermatitis,” i have a theory that all of the alcohol-based anti-bacterial gel we’re all using like mad (it’s pretty much enforced at my physical therapist’s office. you’re required to use it before and after your appt. i don’t blame them) is tearing my skin to shreds. what! i have sensitive skin!
i meant to tell you about yoga. but this entry is already way too long. i’m sure i’ll tell you soon since we’re going to be snowed in for about two weeks. (don’t worry, we have plenty of milk, toilet paper and bread. geez, ppl around here go nuts when it’s about to snow. doesn’t anyone keep anything in their house anymore??) oh wait, i can’t touch my keyboard b/c i might be allergic to it. oh hell, i’ll put gloves on. you’ll hear from me
RENT: the Broadway Tour will be ending it’s run successful run Sunday, February 7, 2010 and be there LIVE AT THE STAGEDOOR! Watch live online!
Link: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nealb-tv
Sunday, February 7, 2010 at 1 PM PST/4 EST
Neal B (www.NealB.tv) and Elisa Schneider (http://www.willingtobelucky.net/) will be live streaming from the stagedoor before RENT’s final matinee.
They will chat with fans, share favorite moments and maybe a few surprises!
Go to: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nealb-tv or http://www.NealB.tv and click the LIVE VIDEO FEED BUTTON.
Also check www.NealB.tv/www.NealBinNYC.wordpress.com for RENT Closing twitter updates, an interview with RENT: The Broadway Tour conductor David Truskinoff and lots more!
This is an article about comments Mags of Nom made. If I did what she and her organization does in research when I was in college or even now in my current position I would have been failed or fired. It never ceases to amaze me the level at which people will stoop to control others with manipulation, lies, and subterfuge. If ever there was a thing I hated… NOM is its name.
Maggie Gallagher commits ’sin of omission’ to make case against marriage equality
Like most groups of people, lesbians often evolve, experiencing certain rites of passage along the way. But unlike their straight counterparts, lesbos often pass through them secretly, without ceremony or discussion, left to figure things out on their own, until they are lucky enough to find lesbian friends and mentors.
If you were one of the lucky ones and grew up in a hip, urban area with progressive parents, your “coming of age” story may be quite similar to any female’s. Unfortunately, it is less likely that your lesbo sisters who live in more rural areas, where religious beliefs often trump compassion and understanding, are enjoying the same acceptance and support.
Don’t get me wrong. “Debby Downer”, I’m not. Things are improving, due to a few high-profile souls, like Ellen. But let’s face it, the world is different for the rich and famous, so don’t get overly excited that Ellen got her own talk show, and believe that her success somehow proves there’s nothing for us lesbos to worry about anymore. It’s gonna take the average Jane to jump on board, demanding fairness, before we will all be taken seriously. So tune into your inner bitch and be strong. Life is hard enough, without settling for less, right out of the gate. No. I swear I’m not a preacher. You’re simply hearing me first thing in the morning before the coffee kicks in. Plus I know how far we’ve come since I came out, and I can see how much farther we have to go. We’re only about halfway there, if you ask me.
But back to rites of passage. Who knows, maybe that first kiss is that much sweeter, as an intimate secret shared only between two innocent girls, instead of discussed with giggling classmates. It has been suggested that anything considered taboo causes the heart to race and excitement to crescendo. In another day and time, I remember the thrill and taste of my first girl kiss. I thought I might spin off the side of the planet, suddenly on fire in places I’d ignored until that moment in my life. Instead of wallowing in adolescent angst of the ordinary variety, I vacillated between feelings of passion for my new love, and worry over being found out and ridiculed as a pervert by my classmates and family.
Speaking of rites of passage, getting married certainly qualifies as a huge affair for us all, regardless of our sexual orientation. For those of us who choose (just kidding) ”the road less traveled” in life, our decisions surrounding marriage and starting a family are often complicated by mothers and fathers who would rather ignore our “so-called” matrimonial unions, where we are already marginalized by society at large, being denied legal recognition in most jurisdictions.
Questions haunt us as we consider breaking free from the legal restraints placed on us by society. If we have a wedding, who should we invite? How will we feel if our parents don’t show up, or worse, humiliate us by ignoring us altogether as we plan the event. Will they show up for the shower, gift in hand and smiling, or will they instead hide in schedule conflicts and other excuses? Who will give us away? Who can we count on? Are we up for the emotional turbulence of testing the family, or will we, instead forgo the drama altogether, by deciding against a formal affair, relegating our own status to that of second-rate citizen, buying what the majority is selling in our actions, if not our words?
If the lesbian marriage dilemma is not enough to fret over for most sappho sisters, then the baby issue is sure to floor all but the most robust of spirit. A young lesbian’s maternal drive will be tested at length as she navigates the turbulent waters of how to have a baby or adopt one, without a man by her side. Many families who are willing to accept a marriage between two women, often frown in disapproval when their daughter considers parenthood, believing that all children need a mother and a father, like that’s the norm in their world of soaring divorce rates and absent fathers.
To my surprise, I have overheard even the most intellectual lesbians question their own motives for wanting children, worried that a child will suffer and be teased for having two mommies. If a lesbian decides it makes more sense to adopt, justifying their maternal drive and conscience more easily by coming to the rescue of an orhpan, then the court system may or may not be as receptive, often willing to leave the child “in the system, parentless,” rather than place them in a loving lesbian home.
You must be saying, tell me something I don’t know. As always, you know I’ll share my opinion. So here goes. The meek do not inherit the earth! It’s true. I don’t care what they told you in Sunday School. And, yes, I realize I may be challenged by some Bible scholar who will swear I have misinterpreted a Bible verse. Deal with it, okay. It happens. You know where I’m going with this, so shut up and stop hiding in the Bible. Even with its inarguable bestseller status, you must admit to the fact that there have been too many editors to really know what the author’s true intentions were. Does the phrase, lost in translation mean anything to you?
Religion aside, it is time to be bold! We have to show up for each other, when our families won’t. Once we claim our rights, as we are slowly doing over time, the heteros will come around. Lesbians are leaders. We have no choice, but to lead others through our own conviction, demonstrated through courageous actions instead of hollow words. If we lead, they will follow. But if we hide and shirk our responsibilities, the status quo will win.
And if you need more motivation than the lure of marriage, children, and basic fairness, then consider the older lesbian’s plight. Someday, if you’re lucky, you will be an older lesbian, if you aren’t right now. That’s when, a few supportive friends will act as family to support you as you pass through menopause and old age, often without children or governmental support systems that the “straights” have in place. If the idea of being treated “less than” in society simply because of who you love doesn’t make you angry enough to fight for equal rights, then consider the fact that you paid your fair share of taxes all your life, the same percentage that the “legally married” heteros paid, but you are forced to forgo the marital inheritance privileges afforded to your “straight” counterparts.
Anger isn’t all bad, despite what they taught you in school. Anger fuels progress. When you get really red-faced, furious about the situation, then you’ll possess the fire in your belly required to force change. “I’m just sayin.” Don’t get comfortable simply because you see a few lesbos on TV. The battle isn’t over. We haven’t heard the fat lady sing yet. That faint song in the background, is her warming up.
Call me crazy. Okay…so K and I have only been talking for about three weeks. BUT if feels like so much longer. Probably because we spend so much time around each other. I’ve literally only spent the night away from her three times since I’ve met her…three times in three weeks. I know…I know. She always asks me to stay…and who wouldn’t want the warm sexy body of their woman of interest next to them all night? SO anyway…we kinda decided that we needed some time away from each other. Although we enjoy each other’s company, we don’t wanna get on each other’s nerves. Afterall…it’s only been THREE weeks. So tonight starts the break. I’m fine with that. It was MY idea to begin with. Here’s where I have the problem: I called her at 10:19 because I hadn’t talked to her all day. She answered. I asked her if she was busy. She said “kinda sorta”…asked me where I was, told me she would call me back and asked me if I was gonna be up. It is now 11:55 and I haven’t heard from her. NOT that I expect to hear from her all the time but what’s really bugging me is what the hell is she doing this late? How is she too busy to talk to me? Am I overthinking things? I mean…really. Even when she’s with her friends she talks to me.
I know that I have trust issues. I’ve been trying to work on that…but really…what am I supposed to think? She’s not officially my girlfriend…but we have both said that that’s what we’re aiming for. So…even if she IS with someone else can I be upset about that…since we’re not official? Because I’m pretty sure I would be hurt by it. She said she’s not a cheater…but it’s not cheating if we’re not together. Ugh. I’m driving myself insane thinking about this. And the killer part is that I’ve only known this chick for three weeks. I’m not in love or anything…I just really want her…I want her to be mine. I’m selfish. Boo hoo!
Maybe I’m just emotional because I’m currently entertaining mother nature. That’s a possibility.
The state House voted today to indefinitely postpone action on a civil-unions bill this session.The voice vote defers any action on the bill unless two-thirds of lawmakers vote to bring the bill back for consideration.
Several gay activists in the House gallery chanted “roll call!” But the House quickly moved on to other items on the agenda. Some activists screamed “shame!” as they filed out of the gallery, and the House broke for recess.
The state Senate last Friday passed a civil-unions bill that would give same-sex and heterosexual couples the same rights, benefits and responsibilities as marriage under state law.
The state House had voted 33-17 last session for a civil-unions bill that only applied to same-sex couples.
Support for the bill in the House slipped out of concern with taking another vote during an election year.
Now,if we can only vote for the righteous men & women in the state this coming election..perhaps hawaii will make a turn for the better??Praise the Lord for victory in the island among the civil union!
Adam Lambert, you deserve to be up on the charts. Smile. Heart. Yes, you do. I not going to lie, not the biggest, most fanatic, American Idol fan. But, my friends kept telling me about this Adam Lambert guy. Well, if there is anyone that has been a part of that show and deserves a great career, it’s him. Personally, it’s not his personality, which seems to grab a lot of people. I could care less what he does or does not do in his personal life. His vocal range is rather impeccable. So, with the advent of his Oprah appearance and me running downstairs to catch his video on VH1, when I heard my roomies watching it in the AM…
Adam Lambert “Whataya Want From Me” (the music video)
ps-took the other post down…this one does a little more justice for me.
Way before the L Word, before The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls In Love, even before Go Fish, there was Desert Hearts. First released in 1986 it has proven to be the most successful lesbian film release EVER. It also has the distinction of being the first lesbian film to ever feature a lesbian relationship without the pitfalls of death, suicides or 180’s into straightsville.
Desert Hearts stars Helen Shaver as Vivian, a soon-to-be divorcee, who travels to a ranch in Reno all the way from New York in order to get quickee divorce decree (all it takes is a six week residency). Once there she meets the step-daughter of the ranch owner, a charming and un-apologetic lesbian named Cay, played by Patricia Charbonneau, whose free spirit entices Vivian to melt some of her icy reserve and to ultimately follow her heart.
I must have watched Desert Hearts at least a hundred times since I first found it in my hometown’s local video store. I was 13 and overwhelmed to find this mainstream movie that amazingly enough portrayed a touching and honest lesbian love story. Through the years and countless viewings , it’s easy to point out all the reasons why this is such a beloved film. The chemistry between the two characters is palpable and even more so through the love scenes which are credited as being the most erotic in all of lesbian film history. The script was well-written, though sometimes criticized for it’s simple directness, it was also praised for it’s nuanced exploration of not just the lesbian relationship but also of the relationships between friends and between mothers and daughters . The setting was beautifully displayed, depicting late 1950’s Reno, Nevado. The soundtrack works well against the backdrop and is full of the melancholy melody and twang of country western favorites from Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash and others. All in all, a really good film, period.
Donna Deitch, the producer and director of Desert Hearts has since released a Vintage 2 Disk Special Edition through Wolfe Videos that is filled with never before seen footage and interviews. She has also announced that she is working on a sequel that will introduce new characters and move the backdrop to New York. That was reported as late as 2008 but an internet search hasn’t yielded any updates on it.
Highly recommended if never seen, for anybody (not just lesbians) who enjoys a good love story.
So I have a full-time job, a husband, two kids, a boyfriend, and now…..a girlfriend.
We have been on two dates so far and date number three is friday night. We have been taking it slowly which has been perfect. I believe her to be completely enamoured with me. She has described me like dark chocolate that she wants to savour.
I have the full support of my husband and boyfried to persue this. They have all met her and we all get along amazingly well. The thing is, one of the reasons we get along so well is that she also has a husband and boyfriend. It is with such ease that we can talk about our lives since there is no need to explain things.
SAN FRANCISCO — San Diego’s Republican mayor testified emotionally Tuesday about his transformation from a foe to a friend of same-sex marriage and spotlighted a central issue in the Proposition 8 case – whether the law can be based on prejudice against lesbians and gays if many supporters harbor no anti-gay bias.
With his daughter and her newlywed wife in the gallery, Jerry Sanders’ voice quavered as he described his turnabout in 2007 that led him to sign a City Council resolution supporting San Francisco’s lawsuit that sought marital rights for gays and lesbians. As a declared supporter of civil unions and an opponent of same-sex marriage, he had planned to veto the measure.
“I think the decisions I made were grounded in prejudice,” Sanders testified in federal court in San Francisco at the start of the second week of trial on the constitutionality of Prop. 8, the November 2008 ballot measure that limited marriage to opposite-sex couples. “I was discriminating even against my own daughter.”
Sanders said he witnessed similar discrimination in the 1970s, early in his 26-year career as a police officer, when he saw a gay sergeant driven off the force.
He said he felt “overwhelming love” as well as parental fears for his daughter Lisa, now 26, when she told him in 2003 that she was lesbian.
What tipped the scales in 2007, he said, was a meeting with gays and lesbians the day before his intended veto of the marriage resolution. They reminded him that they, too, had families with children, and “I was shocked at the depth of (their) hurt,” he said.
In cross-examination, Brian Raum of the Alliance Defense Fund, a lawyer for Prop. 8’s sponsors, grilled Sanders about his assertion that he bore no ill will toward gays and lesbians during the years he opposed their right to marry.
Isn’t it true, Raum asked, that many people “voted for Proposition 8 because they believed civil unions were a fair and reasonable alternative to marriage,” the view Sanders formerly espoused? Weren’t there “sincere religious beliefs on both sides?” Does a voter, Raum asked, have to be a bigot to favor the traditional concept of marriage?
Sanders replied that some of Prop. 8’s supporters fit Raum’s description, but the cause they backed was ultimately based on prejudice.
“I don’t think that makes them a bigot,” he said, “but I believe they were saying an entire class of people doesn’t deserve the same treatment in their relationships.”
The plaintiffs, two same-sex couples and the city of San Francisco, claim Prop. 8 discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation and gender. They hope to persuade Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker that the initiative, promoted as a restoration of the historic definition of marriage, was actually an appeal to anti-gay prejudice and thus unconstitutional.
I found this entry in Wikipedia the other day and I am still confused. The article was about Vincent Bethell who founded The Freedom to be Yourself campaign (TFTBY) in 1999 to fight against the irrational prejudice towards the unclothed human body. He was also imprisoned for “Public Nuisance” and stood trial naked in a UK court in 2001.
I support most of the “to be yourself” rights but I am not sure if I would be thrilled to meet a naked guy on the street in the middle of the night. Of course, prejudice against people should never be taken slightly but there are a few things that we as Society have accepted as a norm. I know, this is a slippery slope and it can open doors to many discussions on many different topics.
Prejudice against human body – um…I don’t know what to think of that as if somebody likes to be naked and other people around them don’t have objections, then it is okay, but I personally would not feel comfortable with a naked person in front of me either that happens on the street or in the office. No offence, but the moment I see a naked guy walking towards me (not on the beach), I feel threatened and definitely really uncomfortable. And..To be honest, it has nothing to do with prejudice towards unclothed human body…it has everything to do with intentions this person might have. Would that be any different if a woman would do her errands naked and happen to pass me? I would definitely feel less threatened but still quiet uncomfortable.
So..here we are…I am confused about my own stand on this issue
Our fortnightly Sacred Space service takes place on Tuesday at 7.30pm in church.
There is a common theme to each of the four types of Sacred Space Service: time for quiet reflection, gentle music, prayers led gently, a time to pause, meditate and enjoy God’s presence, all providing a form of worship different to what we offer on Sunday afternoons.
We change the format of the service sometimes resting in the presence of Jesus, sometimes sacramental anointing, sometimes a reflection and, like this week, a celebration of Holy Communion. We meet the Lord Jesus in this simple celebration of Holy Communion which is quieter and more gentle than our Sunday celebrations.
We have a short time for refreshments afterwards too. I hope to see you on Tuesday as we enjoy His Presence together.
With much love,
Andy Braunston
Metropolitan Community Church of Manchester www.mccmanchester.co.uk
A 41-year-old lesbian Utah legislator is pregnant with a baby she says she is carrying for two gay men, the intended parents.
Rep. Christine Johnson, D-Salt Lake, who has a 17-year-old daughter of her own with an ex-husband, is 16 weeks pregnant after have been inseminated with the sperm from one of the men, the Salt Lake Tribune reported Friday.
“I can very much empathize with their desire to become parents and share their lives with and open their hearts to a child. I’m immeasurably grateful to be a mother,” Johnson said.
A Democrat colleague has another idea:
Johson’s colleague, Rep. Rebecca Chavez-Houck, D-Salt Lake, a mother of two, said she is trying to get through a bill that would amend Utah adoption law allowing second-parent adoptions, in which a child’s biological parent designates an unmarried partner to be the second, adoptive parent.
My previous post on why people favor traditional marriage.
Comments will be strictly monitored in order to take Obama’s hate crimes law into account.
This is the first in a series of blogs I intend to post, where I can share some of my favourites words written by other people. As a writer, I am fascinated by words and the uses they are put to. Inspirational, arousing, convincing, shocking, moving, profound…Words touch us all in different ways. There are certain words, whether it be quotations, sayings, passages from literature, or song lyrics that I find especially wonderful and which I sometimes call to mind as I write. I want to share them.
My first quotation is from a short story, ‘Carmilla’, written by J. Sheridan Le Fanu in 1872 and published in a collection of Gothic stories called ‘In A Glass Darkly.’ It is the story of a female vampire, Carmilla, and her victim, Laura. Despite the dubious equation of lesbianism with female hysteria and vampirism (this is a Victorian story after all), the story contains some particularly well written passages, which convey very evocatively the love that is growing between Carmilla and Laura, without shying away from the darker undertones, which only serve to increase the passion. To me, as a lesbian reader, they seemed especially meaningful, but they are such perfect words, that I think everyone should read them.
I think the line “I live in your warm life, and you shall die—die, sweetly die—into mine” is one of the most beautiful in literature. Yes, on a literal level, they are the words of a vampire. But as a metaphor for the process of falling in love, these words are evocative and wonderful.
From Chapter 4 of ’Carmilla’ by J. Sheridan Le Fanu, 1872.
She used to place her pretty arms about my neck, draw me to her, and laying her cheek to mine, murmur with her lips near my ear, “Dearest, your little heart is wounded; think me not cruel because I obey the irresistible law of my strength and weakness; if your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours. In the rapture of my enormous humiliation I live in your warm life, and you shall die—die, sweetly die—into mine. I cannot help it; as I draw near to you, you, in your turn, will draw near to others, and learn the rapture of that cruelty, which yet is love; so, for a while, seek to know no more of me and mine, but trust me with all your loving spirit.”
And when she had spoken such a rhapsody, she would press me more closely in her trembling embrace, and her lips in soft kisses gently glow upon my cheek.
(You can read the whole of ‘Carmilla’ online here)
I became friends with Janet when she was in her late 20s. Like many women around that age, she was stressed. Raising her children and doing household chores took a lot of time and energy. Her husband worked long hours, and their sex life had dropped off drastically.
Janet and I talked frankly about all kinds of topics. (I have always believed in being frank with everything I say or write.) She told me she no longer felt pretty or sexy. I tried to dissuade her by affirming how attractive she was, but it didn’t seem to sink in.
After several tries at verbal persuasion, I decided to take a different approach. The next time she was at my house for a visit, I sat beside her on the sofa. With no warning, I pulled her to me and kissed her. Not a peck on the lips, but a full-mouth kiss with lots of tongue.
Her little whimpers were muffled by our lips. When I finally pulled away, Janet was flushed and breathing hard. She asked what brought that on. I told her that I found her sexy and wanted to demonstrate it. She started to protest that she wasn’t, but I took her again with another kiss. This time I inserted my hand inside her shirt. My fingers slipped inside her left bra cup and played with her hardening nipple.
I didn’t want to push Janet too far that day, so when I broke that kiss, we chatted for a little while, and then she left. I had started her thinking about her own sexuality, though. I thought she would come back for more, and she did. I’ll tell you about that in a future post.
In August 2009, actress/vlogger/therapist Cathy DeBuono invited her mother, Lynn, to talk about her experience dealing with Cathy’s sexuality on her live vlog “What’s Your Problem?” When Cathy first came out to her mother, she did not receive the reaction she thought she would get. Lynn was surprised, confused, and angry. She moved through many different stages of grief including feelings of confusion, guilt, and mourning the loss of the child she thought she knew. Though it took her a few years to fully accept and understand Cathy’s life, she is now one of her daughter’s biggest fans! Lynn urges young people to be patient with their families but to never tolerate living in the closet. She believes that everyone should come out and live full, honest lives. Lynn is the perfect example of a parent struggling with their own “coming out” experience: coming out to support and accept their LGBTQ son or daughter. Lynn, you are a true inspiration for everyone! You can watch Cathy’s coming out story here.
After much begging, favor asking, whining and sad puppy dog eyes, the good people at:
HONG KONG – 417 E. Center St., Visalia CA
(Center & Santa Fe, across from Santa Fe Station)
have opened up on a Tuesday night ESPECIALLY for TEDG! We hope to see you and many others there in appreciation of them opening up and working on their usual day off.
Please come by for dinner, and use the Lum Lum’s Market entrance. Charlie will be there at the entrance in his CHONIES!!!!
I don’t know who Charlie is but anyone willing to stand outside in the middle of January in their briefs is a braver man than I.
If there is one thing you can depend on in protest marches and demonstrations – are the signs. Some good, some ignorant and some downright hilarious. Here are a handful of signs found throughout the internet that goes to show you can have a sense of humor while protesting.
In a shocking release just moments ago, New Jersey Senate President Richard Codey announced that he will push the New Jersey Gay Marriage Vote to this Thursday, the 7th.
This is a huge boon to equal marriage supporters, if passed it still falls under current NJ Governor Corzine who has pledged to sign the bill into law. From www.nj.com:
“Given the intensely personal nature of this issue, I think the people of this state deserve the right to a formal debate on the Senate floor,” said Codey, in a statement.
Many legislators have refused to say publicly where they stand on the matter and how they would vote. Legislators who are in favor of the measure have said support for the bill won’t be known until the votes are tallied.
This was the response to a comment I made while having a conversation with a friend from my past who I recently reconnected with 3 days ago on Facebook. The conversation went something like this:
Friend: You know I have been married 15 years now…
Me: Oh really…I knew it had been a long time. Is marriage all you dreamed it would be?
Friend: Marriage is good, but I am getting that 15 yr itch. My husband is too.
Me: 15 year itch? I didn’t know there was such a thing. Are you bored with your marriage
Friend: Not bored, just tired of the same old thing all the time. People grow and change.
Me: Well that kinda equals bored to me. I personally knew that I wouldn’t ever go the traditional marriage route.
Friend: Oh really? I thought you were gay. I hope I’m not getting to personal.
Me: Oh no, you aren’t getting to personal…people have been speculating on my sexuality for years
I chose not to divulge details about my sexuality to this person mainly because we don’t have a personal relationship. My information to her would have been turned into gossip for the masses and I refuse to partake in ignorance. If you want to know who I am sleeping with, how bout you just ask and not throw it out there in some round about sort of way. It amazes me that people can become so interested in who someone is sleeping with when it is suspected that they are gay. I don’t make a habit of making an announcement of my sexuality. “Good Morning how are you doing…Oh, by the way, I’m a lesbian.”
Sometimes I really wish I could tell people that their ignorance is showing…your stupidity is falling out of your back pocket. *Just Saying*